CCB Adopts Measures to Solve the Problem That Customers Have to Stand in Long Line to Make Deposit...

Published time:2007-02-12

As the Spring Festival approaches, anther round of shopping spree will occur in China. CCB recently adopted effective measures to solve the problem that customers have to stand in long line to make deposit or withdrawal at CCB outlets during the festival.


According to CCB, from now on to the end of the Spring Festival, the bank will deploy enough staffs to provide deposit and withdrawal services for customers. It requires branches at all levels to clarify how many staffs are available for counter services, deploy those who are available to offer counter services and open all the service windows to customers before the Spring Festival. Lobby managers should actively guide customers to use the self-service equipment, ensure the normal operation and encourage the maximum use of the equipment during the Spring Festival. Customers should be guided to fill in related business forms before their service number is called so as to raise the efficiency of counter services and try to reduce the waiting time of customers who make deposit or withdrawal at CCB outlets to less than 10 minutes.


It is said that to avoid the problem of insufficient counter staff during holidays CCB will adopt flexible shift schedule and prolong working hours as necessary during the Spring Festival to meet as much customer need as possible. Before the Spring Festival, CCB will shift the focus of its retail business to deposit and withdrawal services. All the product promotion and active marketing activities of the bank involving long period of time should be launched on the precondition of ensuring customers enjoy fast deposit and withdrawal services.


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