China Construction Bank Builds a Sophisticated Cardholder Service System
Published time:2005-06-29
Improving card-using environment and controlling card-related risks
To implement the Several Opinions on promoting the development of bankcard business jointly issued by 9 ministries and offer diversified services to the cardholders, China Construction Bank (CCB) recently formulated a series of rules and measures to improve the card-using environment and curb card-related risks with the purpose of building a sophisticated cardholder service system.
In recent years, focusing on the customers and guided by the market, CCB has launched a large number of marketing and promotion campaigns, sped up product innovation and added increasing functions to and diversified the product line of the Dragon Card. Its credit card business has witnessed long-term growth. By the end of last year, the bank altogether issued 149.44 million pieces of Dragon Debit Card and 6.25 million pieces of credit card. RMB79.2 billon was spent via the Dragon Debit Card on shopping while RMB25.4 billion was spent via the bank’s credit cards. Its ATM with foreign currency card acquiring functions amounted to 2,727 and completed 225,000 pieces of foreign currency card acquiring transactions involving RMB317 million.
Over years of market penetration, CCB’s Dragon Card has become a fairly strong brand, reached out to the daily life of customers and developed into a comprehensive platform for the bank to offer customer-tailored products and services and a pillar business as well. To stimulate the growth of the credit card business and create a safer card-using environment for customers, the bank is working hard to build a sophisticated cardholder service system.
First, constantly renovating and improving the bankcard products and services. On the one hand, while speeding up the issuance of platinum, golden and silver cards of the Happy Home wealth management products, CCB will develop new wealth management card products to meet the diversified needs of different customer groups. Efforts will also be made to develop the business cards targeting at institutions and companies and expand the use of IC cards in various industries. On the other hand, CCB will work hard to expand the acceptance of its debit card, broaden the on-line bank service channels, add more functions to the debit card on on-line banks, offer on-line repayment, payment, settlement and transfer services and accelerate the development of transfer and self-services of such equipment as ATM and CDM. Second, optimizing the management system and continuing to raise service quality. Efforts will be made to accelerate the standardized management of card, strengthen basic operations, reduce operational mistakes and increase operational quality. Third, improving the card-using environment. Multiple channels including the business outlets and self-service equipment will be built and more ATMs will be installed in supermarkets, hospitals and universities. The business client acquiring management will be strengthened and priority will be put on expanding the number of favorable partners and special clients and offering more value-added services to the cardholders. Fourth, effectively controlling the card-related risks at multiple levels. The early warning system for missing cards abroad and false card will be developed. Bankcard safety education campaigns will be organized to effectively increase the sense of safety of cardholders and leave no room for the criminal actions.
“The most important measurement of the success of our reform is whether CCB can grow big and strong amid market competition. In short, success depends on our ability to provide the customers with the best banking services.” To that end, CCB will, focusing on customers and guided by the market, spare no efforts to develop the credit card business and offer the customers the best services.