Notification on Recruitment of CCB Enterprise Annuity Centre

Published time:2008-04-29

Thank you for your interest in China Constructions Bank. After the first round of screening, we have arrived at a list of candidates qualified for an interview for our staff recruitment at CCB Enterprise Annuity Centre in 2008. Please find below for the detailed information:


1.       Short listed Candidates


Short listed candidates would be informed for the interview by phone. We regret that no further notification will be given to unsuccessful applicants.


2.       Reporting Time and Venue for Interviews


Date and time:

First Team of Interviewees: May 6, 2008, 8:30am

Second Team of Interviewees: May 7, 2008, 8:30am


Venue: Room 624, 6/F, 1-1, Naoshikou Street, Xicheng District, Beijing


3.       Procedures of Interview


a.       Short listed candidates to report at the designated time and fill out the application form.

b.       CCB staff to verify relevant documents and certificates.

c.       Interviewees draw lots to decide the sequence for interview

d.       Written test begins

e.       Integrated and professional interviews begin


4.       Enquiry


For any enquiry, please contact Jiang Lu at 6759 5373.


5.       Reminders:


a.       Interviewees shall bring along the originals and photocopies of identity card, student ID card and certificates of awards (professional certificates).

b.       Interviewees shall arrive the designated venues punctually and wait at the waiting room. All latecomers would be regarded as giving up the interview.

c.       Interviewees are required to cooperate with our staff and to behave properly. Please turn off all cell phones.

d.       Please comply with the rules and regulations and remain silent during the written test. All candidates are not allowed to leave the examination hall without the approval of the invigilators. Candidates will be disqualified if any violation of regulations or cheatings is found.


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